The Fire and Water Paths: A Gateway to Self-Healing

by Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

The Yin & Yang of Movement

As the basis of Chinese Medicine, the concepts of Yin and Yang are depicted as the dark and light divisions of a Tai Ji circle. 

Yin and Yang are two parts of the whole. Yin is the dark, solid part relating to form and Yang is the white part depicting space and relating to function.

Philosophically, there is no separation of Yin and Yang in the living world as there is always Yang within Yin and Yin within Yang as can be seen in the tiniest atomic particle (Yin) which contains a tremendous amount of energy and power (Yang).

In this view, our body’s structure (the form) is seen as Yin, while the body’s function is Yang.

Qi, often translated as energy, is an aspect of Yang, and relates to function and movement. When there is proper Qi flow in the body, there is a normalization of movement within the body including the normal flow of Yin circulation which includes all the fluid substances.

The Yin energy is associated with the Water Path and the anterior aspect of the body and the Yang energy is associated with the Fire Path and posterior aspect. Learning to work with breath and visualization can help you to harmonize these energies to optimize your health and well-being.

The Fire & Water Paths

The Fire and Water Paths are two energy channels that run along the center of the body’s torso and make up the Microcosmic Orbit.

The Water Path is also called Ren Mai, or Conception Vessel, and relates to the Yin aspect of the body. Ren Mai is also called the Sea of Yin and the Vessel of Bonding because it provides the nourishing and nurturing energy for your life.

The Water Path begins behind the genitals and ascends along the midline of the front or anterior of the torso and terminates on the face at the chin. Specifically, at the hollow area of your chin.

The Fire Path is also called Du Mai, or Governing Vessel, as it is the path that governs the Yang Qi to help generate warmth and provide the vitality for all aspects of function within the body.

Du Mai is also referred to as the Sea of Yang Qi and the Vessel of Individuality because it provides the energetic impetus to separate and branch off on your own in life.

The Fire Path runs upward within the spine from the base of the coccyx into the mouth. Specifically terminating at the junction between the gum and the superior labial frenulum (the thin tissue connecting your upper lip to your upper gums just above your front teeth).

Both of these energetic channels circulate upward, however, in the classics, these channels are described as one continuous circulation.

In Daoist practices, the connection of these channels is made when you touch your tongue against the roof of your mouth which is an essential part of doing the Microcosmic and Macrocosmic Orbit Meditations to facilitate the circulation of these Yin and Yang energies through breath and visualization. This practice provides enormous health benefits for your mind and body.

You can learn how to begin cultivating this practice through a guided introduction with Dr. Setareh Moafi by clicking the button below.

The Importance of Harmonizing the Water Path

The purpose of focusing on circulating the Water Path is to move and clear stagnation of Yin fluids. Health conditions related to the stasis of Yin fluids range from simple fluid accumulation such as edema to the hardening of Yin into Phlegm which can manifest as cysts or fibroids in women or swollen prostate in men. Any type of tumor is considered to be a Yin pathology that has condensed into Phlegm and blood congestion of the cardio-vascular system is also a form of Yin stagnation.

Working with the Water Path is therefore a powerful way to allow you to directly improve the circulation of fluids in your body to reduce the stagnation of Yin which generate these pathological conditions.

When cultivating the activation of the Water Path the focus is first to descend energy down the back along the spinal column – this helps consolidate Yang Qi into the Kidneys during inhalation. After energy gets drawn downward into the pelvic floor, the exhalation sends the energy upward along the Sea of Yin or Ren Mai. This activation of Ren Mai helps move the Water energy to reduce fluid stagnation in the system. 

Circulating energy into the Kidneys with inhalation also boosts the strength and power of the adrenal glands as Qi is drawn into an important area called the Ming Men or “Life Gate Fire” to bring warmth and vitality into the body.

The Importance of Harmonizing the Fire Path

The purpose of circulating the Fire Path is to release stagnation of Yang Qi that can manifest as chronic sympathetic nervous system stress, which can lead to hyperactivity and excessive heat within the body. Conditions such as headaches, neck and back stiffness and pain, hypertension, nervousness and anxiety, dizziness and vertigo, and, in severe cases, even strokes and seizures are related to an over-active Fire path.

Working with the Fire Path is therefore a powerful way to release pent up stress and free stagnant energy to liberate your vitality which will help you move more freely and efficiently.

Releasing the Fire Path helps you feel lighter in body and mind and more effectively release your internal power.

For the Yang or Fire Path, the circulation is first drawn down the front (Yin) side of the body to gather energy into the Kidneys and then from the pelvic floor it moves up the back (Yang) side of the body along the spine, or Du Mai.

The idea is to first gather Water energy into the an important energy center called the Dan Tian, located in your lower abdomen below the navel. This energy center is also known as the Elixir Field where energy is stored and consolidated. The energy that you gather in your Dan Tian becomes the fuel that transforms into Kidney Qi which then ascends up the spine and out the limbs during exhalation to facilitate the initiation of function throughout the body. Activating the Fire Path also initiates physical movement so you can extend yourself into the world with self-confidence and vitality.

With this said, working with the Water Path helps you release the Yin and fluid system of the body and working with the Fire Path helps you release and activate your Yang Qi. It is important for each of these pathways to be moving freely and harmoniously for optimal health and well-being. If the Water Path is not moving freely, then fluid stasis develops and the body becomes cold, hypoactive and lethargic. If the Fire Path is not moving freely, then Qi can stagnate and the body can become overheated and hyperactive.

The Fire & Water Paths Relationship to Your Nervous System

The Fire and Water Paths correspond with the action of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. 

The sympathetic system is our ‘fight or flight’ response. Once we’re able to relax enough to enjoy a meal, then the parasympathetic system kicks in to activate the digestive organs.

With the fast paced lifestyle of the modern world, the Fire Path becomes overactive, and this leads to burnout, anxiety, nervousness, and ultimately accelerated aging. Furthermore, Fire energy is stimulated with through the overuse of the eyes. In Chinese Medicine, we say staring overstimulates Fire so as you can imagine with the issue of screen addiction so prevalent in today’s world whether it’s staring at the television, the computer or the cellphone screen, the Fire energy is overactive for many individuals.

This is why the Fire type person will tend to be ‘sympathetic dominant’ and can quickly move into a ‘fight or flight’ stress response. For this type of person, many use exercise to help them release their Fire Path and release their nervous stress, but this often doesn’t lead to a resolution of the stress response pattern and just blows off a little steam. Furthermore, with the practice of weightlifting and running on the treadmill, energy becomes very stagnated in the body and a lot of heat is generated which will create more and more anxiousness and nervousness.

It is not uncommon for very active individuals, such as athletes, to suffer from anxiety types of disorders because they are not properly cooling the body down through harmonizing the circulation of Qi and fluids.

So although it may seem logical to release the Fire Path for the hyper-active personality, since so many people are already over-stimulated, I suggest taking some time focusing on the Water Path throughout the day with your breathing to anchor the Qi, calm the mind and relax the abdominal tension.

Working with the Fire Path breathing is excellent for activities such as running and jumping as it supports the release of power through the limbs and for the body to feel lighter. But remember, with the predominance of Type A lifestyles, the Fire Path is already over-activated and this leads to the stress response with elevated cortisol levels.

With this said, the Water Path will therefore be best utilized in these cases as well to allow a person to ground their energy and calm the nervous system. In addition, in Chinese Medicine we describe the action of the Water Path breathing as anchoring the Yang Qi into the Kidneys and this allows for the recuperation of the adrenal glands that are over-active from high states of stress.

Interestingly, working with the Water Path is also beneficial for the more easy-going, ‘couch potato’ type individuals who often struggle with weight issues and tend to be ‘parasympathetic dominant.’ These types of people tend to suffer with conditions related to hypo-functioning metabolism and therefore tend to feel sluggish and are less active. They also have more of a propensity to depression.

In a ‘parasympathetic dominant’ person, the Water path easily becomes bogged down with fluid accumulation, so the energy of the Water Path needs to be released to improve this condition. That’s why the Water Path circulation draws energy into the Kidneys to warm the Ming Men Fire and stimulate the metabolism. The Water Path breathing therefore allows for the adrenals to strengthen which will support the creation of energy for them to naturally stimulate their Fire Path and become more physically active.

By cultivating the Microcosmic and Macrocosmic Orbit Meditations, you can learn to circulate energy along the Fire and Water Paths to balance your nervous system and reduce both fatigue as well as anxiety. Traditionally, men are encouraged to do the Fire Path and women do the Water Path in the Microcosmic breathing. However, what I am suggesting is that in today’s modern world of high stress and hyper-activity, you may find working with the Water Path helps to calm your nervous system and settle your spirit better than the Fire Path.

If you are a hypo-active person, I am again suggesting working with Water Path which will help you slowly build up your energy so you will naturally want to be more active and release your Fire Path with everyday activities such as house cleaning, gardening and exercise.

Cultivating the Microcosmic & Macrocosmic Orbits to Facilitate Circulation Along the Fire & Water Paths

Learning to properly circulate energy along the Fire and Water Paths by way of the Microcosmic and Macrocosmic Orbit Meditations will improve your focus, calm your mind and heighten your intuitive and psychic powers. Keeping energy properly circulating through these pathways can also help resolve both acute and chronic health issues.

The Microcosmic Orbit circulates energy through the front (Ren Meridian) and back (Du Meridian) to open the seven chakras, free congestion in the meridians, and unify Yin and Yang.

The Macrocosmic Orbit is a more advanced meditation technique that pumps energy from the pelvis into the lower limbs, improving blood, Qi, and fluid circulation throughout all of the internal systems of the body.

Begin by learning then practicing the Microcosmic Orbit Meditation until you experience movement (visual or somatic) along the front and back sides of your upper body. Once you’ve reached a level of comfort with this practice, you can transition to the Macrocosmic Orbit Meditation for a more advanced cultivation.

The guided meditations are available for you to start practicing now as a tool with which to empty your mind, release physical tension from your body, and find true stillness and presence through communion with the Divine.

Please note: releasing the Fire or Water Path through focused breathing should be avoided during acute crises such as anxiety or a panic attack so as not to exacerbate the condition.

Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. is the Founder and Co-Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine & Japanese Meridian Therapy, a rare non-insertion form of Acupuncture. Salvador is also the co-host of The Natural Healing Podcast with his wife and partner, Dr. Setareh Moafi.

Alternatives to Coffee You Need to Try

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac.

Whether you drink it for the caffeine, the flavor, or the ritual, coffee is undoubtedly a culture of its own.

And while there are certainly benefits to this popular beverage, according to Chinese Medicine, coffee may do your body more harm than good.

Don’t get me wrong. I love coffee, but it’s not something I would drink (or recommend you drink) every day. Even if you’re an organic, fair trade, shade grown, decaf Swiss water process coffee connoisseur, there are some important factors to consider before you brew your next morning cup of Joe.

Why You Should Be Cautious with Coffee Consumption

For one thing, drinking a lot of coffee may lead to accelerated aging. The nature of coffee is bitter, warming and dry, so even if you drink decaf, it can actually deplete your body's Yin/moisture, which can prevent your body from nourishing its Liver blood. This is especially important to consider for women who are menstruating, pregnant, nursing or postpartum.

According to Chinese nutrition, the bitter taste drains dampness, but too much bitterness can lead to dryness in your skin, hair, and nails. Lack of moisture/Yin is one of the key causes of accelerated aging. (Click here to learn more about this and how to slow down the aging process).

While the bitter taste in Chinese Medicine helps relax the Heart, excess bitter can actually deplete the Heart Qi and lead to anxiety, restlessness and insomnia — key symptoms that also become present with excessive caffeine consumption.

Dryness and heat are factors that in excess can negatively impact your health (click here to learn more about these factors and their effects on your health). These factors become more prominent during the Spring and Summer, which is why it’s especially important to cut back on coffee during these times of the year.

In addition, the caffeine in coffee can excite your nervous system and activate your Liver and lead to Liver Qi stagnation, thus resulting in more stress, more allergies, and can impede your Liver’s detoxification process. Since the Liver is most active during the Spring season, detoxifying your Liver is essential during springtime and reducing or eliminating foods and drinks like coffee (and caffeine in general) can be especially beneficial during this time.

Never feel overwhelmed by what to eat (or drink) again! Join the waitlist now for the Yin & Yang of Nutrition online experience com in 2023.

5 Coffee Alternatives to Consider Trying

Though it may be fine to enjoy a cup of coffee on occasion, you might reconsider making coffee part of your daily ritual, especially during the warmer months of the year.

Here are five alternatives to coffee to change up your morning ritual.

  1. Green Tea

    Green tea comes from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, a native of East Asia and India. It’s high in antioxidants, as well as other nutrients. The phytonutrients in green tea may also help you lose weight and maintain weight loss. A 2009 meta-analysis of studies found that catechin-rich green tea significantly reduced body weight (Hursel et al., 2009) and helps to maintain a healthy weight after significant weight loss.

    In a study of 40,530 Japanese individuals followed over seven years, drinking three to four cups of green tea per day was associated with a 31% lower risk of dying of cardiovascular disease (Kuriyama, 2006).

    The flavonoids in green tea, including epigallocatechin gallate, have been shown to decrease the liver’s glucose production, helping to regulate blood sugar more effectively (Waltner-Law, 2002).

    According to Chinese Medicine, unlike coffee and black tea, green tea is considered to be cooling. If you tend to have a lot of Cold in your Stomach (diarrhea, bloating, cramping), you might want to consider adding a little spice to your green tea, such as cardamom to add a warming effect that’ll balance its cooling nature. (Click here to learn more about spices)

  2. Matcha

    The skyrocketing popularity of matcha brings wonder to the health benefits fo this trendy alternative to coffee.
    Like green tea, matcha comes from the Camellia sinensis plant. However, it’s grown differently and has a unique nutrient profile.

    The tea plants of matcha are covered for 20–30 days before harvest to avoid direct sunlight. This results in an increase in chlorophyll production and amino acid content.

    Once the tea leaves are harvested, the stems and veins are removed and the leaves are ground up into a fine powder. This means that the resulting matcha contains nutrients from the entire tea leaf. Matcha is both higher in antioxidants and caffeine than green tea, which is harvested from the leaf, stems and veins of the Camellia sinensis plant.

  3. Yerba Mate

    Yerba mate is a tea made from the dried leaves and twigs of the Ilex paraguariensis plant, and is an excellent substitute for coffee, black tea and other high caffeine drinks. Plus, its slightly bitter, smoky flavor makes it less of a compromise than most coffee substitutes.

    It’s traditionally consumed in South America from a container called a gourd and sipped with a metal straw with an attached filter at its lower end to strain out the leaf fragments.

    The health benefits of Yerba Mate are extraordinary, and its ability to give you a kick of energy without compromising longevity is one-of-a-kind. Click here to learn five key benefits of drinking Yerba Mate.

  4. Rooibos

    Rooibos is a caffeine-free alternative that’s been consumed in southern Africa for centuries. Rooibos, aka red bush or red tea, is made using leaves from a shrub called Aspalathus linearis, usually grown on the western coast of South Africa. Traditionally, it’s fermented to create the popular reddish-brown color and is most commonly sold and consumed in this way.

    Rooibos is packed with antioxidants (50 times more than green tea), which include aspalathin, quercetin and luteolin, which in test-tube studies have been shown to kill cancer cells and prevent tumor growth.

    Rooibos also contains alpha hydroxy acid (AHA), one of the main ingredients in skin treatments such as chemical peels. Not particularly common in foods, alpha hydroxy acid in rooibos tea is an excellent skincare supplement and its hydrating quality can moisturize your skin and help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

  5. Warm Water

    According to Chinese Medicine, your digestive system is supported by your Stomach Fire, the ‘cooking pot’ which is the foundation through which nutrients are produced and absorbed in the body. This cooking pot needs its fire constantly stoked to have the Yang energy to break down and transform your food and thoughts. Consumption of cold foods and liquids puts out the Stomach Fire, leading to digestive weakness as well as symptoms that include diarrhea, bloating, malabsorption, bloating, gas and weight gain.

    Healthy digestion is the key to gut health, which is the foundation for healthy immunity, mental health and sleep (Click here to learn more about this).

    Drinking warm water in the morning is a powerful way to kick-start your digestive fire. Warm water aids blood circulation and as circulation improves, so does your body’s ability to detoxify as well as reduce muscle pain and contractions. Consumption of cold fluids, on the other hand, slows organ function and causes muscles to contract.

    Aside from its soothing ability, warm water helps to flush toxins out of the body, relaxes the muscles and expands blood vessels to improve blood circulation. In addition, drinking and eating warm beverages inhibits taxation on the digestive system and can aid in weight loss and weight maintenance. Warm fluids soothe the intestines, which can also help with digestive upset and constipation.

In addition to any beverages you enjoy drinking, I suggest you add warm/hot water to your routine and consider drinking it as a daily morning ritual. Drinking warm water in the morning can help improve your circulation, relax your body and mind, and prepare your digestive system for the day ahead.

What’s your favorite morning drink? Let me know in the comments below.

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Dr. Moafi offers a one-of-a-kind form of empowerment coaching, clinical services, and transformational workshops and online courses that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. More information at


Kuriyama, S., et al. (2006). Green tea consumption and mortality due to cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all causes in Japan: The Ohsaki study. Journal of the American Medical Association, 296(10), 1255-1265.

Hursel, R., Viechtbauer, W., & Westerterp-Plantenga, M.S. (2009). The effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance: a meta-analysis. International Journal of Obesity, 33, 956-961.

Waltner-Law, M.E., et al. (2002). Epigallocatechin gallate, a constituent of green tea, represses hepatic glucose production. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277.

Easy Exercise for Lower Back Pain

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac.

I’m sure you've experienced lower back pain at some point in your life. You may even be experiencing it right now.

In a society where we spend most of our time sitting on chairs and couches, tightness and pain in the lower back is all too common, and one of the most popular complaints from patients in our clinic.

And while more chronic cases may not resolve so quickly, my hope is that this article will empower you to better understand your pain, as well as to help you use a simple exercise to alleviate some of the discomfort right away.

Why You May Have Lower Back Pain

There are many reasons why lower back pain develops.

One cause is too much compression from excessive sitting or standing that causes the area around the lumbar spine to tighten up.

As we get older, not only do the Yin or fluids that lubricate your body’s tissues, tendons and sinews naturally diminish, but your spine (byway of gravity) also starts to compress.

This is why it’s so important to preserve and replenish your Yin constantly through proper diet and rest, and to prevent your spine from compressing through elongation exercises and movement practices like Yoga and Qi Gong.

By elongating your spine through these various practices as well as by hanging upside down or from a pull-up bar regularly, you’ll maintain the integrity of the intervertebral spaces in your spine.

This helps prevent abnormal narrowing of the spinal canal or neural foramen, which can lead to spinal stenosis with pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots that cause pain, numbness or weakness in the limbs.

Another cause of lower back pain can be related to burnout from a lack of sleep, excessive work, exercise or sex, or a diet filled with processed foods — all of which contribute to adrenal fatigue.

If you’ve been pushing your body too hard for too long or you’re not sleeping enough, you may start to excessively tax your adrenal glands, which can lead to hormonal and metabolic dysfunction.

The adrenal glands are a pair of endocrine glands located above your kidneys that produce a variety of hormones, including adrenaline and the steroids aldosterone and cortisol, that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and other essential biological functions.

Your adrenal glands are associated with your Kidneys in Chinese Medicine so excessive taxation on the adrenals burdens your Kidney Qi, which can lead to lower back and knee pain, fatigue, and premature aging, among other symptoms.

Lower back pain may also result from injury, as well as from psychological and emotional upset that’s mostly associated with fear.

Fear is the emotion of the Kidneys according to Chinese Medicine and since the Kidneys are located in your lower back, fear can trigger tension in this area of your body.

According to Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life, lower back pain may reflect your fear of money or lack of financial support.

And since I always believe that moving your body is essential to shifting your mind and mood, I think one of the best ways to shift out of an emotional state like fear that may be keeping you stuck is to move your body, simply and gently.

Easy Exercise for Lower Back Pain

The simple exercise I'm sharing with you takes 2 minutes and can be done sitting on the floor with your legs crossed or sitting up on the edge of a chair.

It'll not only free your lower back, but it also opens your hips and helps send energy up your spine to bring Qi to your brain for greater alertness, focus and concentration.

So if your back is tight from sitting around (or even standing) too much during this pandemic, you'll want to make this simple exercise part of your daily routine.

Opening the Heavenly Pillar is an excellent exercise to help alleviate lower back pain, tension and stiffness and is gentle enough to do sitting in a chair or on the floor.

Make sure to start with small, slow circles at first, then work up to more rapid rotations.

This is one of the easiest exercises for lower back pain and to release tension in the spine in general.

Taking just two minutes to open your spine can also reset your mood and help you feel more embodied.

Once you’ve practiced, let me know how this exercise made you feel in the comments below!

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Dr. Moafi offers a one-of-a-kind form of empowerment coaching, clinical services, and transformational workshops and online courses that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. More information at

Finding Quietude in a Noisy World

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac.

Recently I had the honor of taking part in a live online class taught by one of my heroes, Julia Cameron.

Julia is the author of the international bestseller The Artist’s Way, as well as over 40 other publications. Her work has impacted my life more than any other writer and if you know me well, you know how often I recommend her to others. 

I had the pleasure of meeting this humble soul in person a couple years ago during an Artist’s Way workshop she hosted near my hometown. At that time, I was celebrating over a decade of writing Morning Pages and was able to let her know personally how profound an impact this practice had (and continues to have) on my life.

My morning writing practice drops me every day into silence to listen to my inner truths, regardless of how uplifting or painful they may be.

Throughout this new course, Julia talked about the power of deep listening to hear the sounds in your surroundings, your mind, your heart, to guidance, and even the sound of silence.

It reminded me of one of my favorite quotes by Ram Dass: “The quieter you become, the more you can hear.”

As I got quiet and listened, I started hearing sounds I’d never heard before in my home, during my yoga practice and on my walks.

I began to have a greater appreciation for simple things, like the scratching of my dogs’ feet as they walked across our hardwood floors and my mother’s voice as she spoke to me on the phone. 

I began to listen more deeply to my inner wisdom for what I wanted or needed. And I started to listen more acutely to the guidance that comes constantly from Source.

To me, deep listening is at the heart of presence.

To be able to hear what others have to say without needing to respond or do anything is freeing. 

How liberating to simply be present with what is rather than feel I have to control everything!

Silence is powerful. More often than not, simply listening to someone share rather than speaking provides the space for clarity to arise for that person. The same goes when you listen to yourself.

At a time in history that’s perhaps noisier than any other — with the blaring sounds of the news, social media, and a landscape filled with fear, anxiety and worry, it’s essential to stop and listen.

While you may not be able to turn off the noise, becoming more aware of the sounds in both your inner and outer worlds can change how you experience them.

Taking time to slow down and truly listen helps lower the volume of distraction and tune you in to the wisdom that lies within.

Then, you can reveal the truth of not just what you truly feel, but also what you truly need and want.

2 Simple Practices to Help You Listen More Deeply:

  1. Listen & Write

    With a pen and paper in hand, sit in a quiet corner of your home. 

    Close your eyes. 

    Take three deep breaths.

    Now, open your eyes and write down every sound you hear in your environment—the fan of your heater, cars driving by outside, birds chirping, the rain or the breeze, the sound of your children walking or dogs barking, etc.

    Write down every single sound you hear for the next 3-5 minutes.

    Then pause and take another three breaths.

    Be still with all that is in the moment.

    Now write down what you feel – physically, emotionally and mentally.

    This may stir up some emotion, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve taken time like this for yourself. Invite in all the feelings. 

    Listening deeply is essential to hearing your personal truth. Writing it down clarifies the path to your authentic self.

  2. 10 Minute Meditation (BEME Meditation): the meditation below will help you listen more closely, more often.

    I like to call it The BEME Meditation; it’s a practice I developed that invites you to listen to your body, emotions, mind and environment, without judgment. 

While judgments and inner narratives can distort reality and cause you to suffer, the process of quiet observation supports you to be authentic by simply being more present.

So feel, hear, be.

And know that everything will be OK, even if you don’t feel OK in this particular moment.

What’s the soundtrack that’s playing in your life right now? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Dr. Moafi offers a one-of-a-kind form of empowerment coaching, clinical services, and transformational workshops and online courses that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. More information at

A Secret Trick to Prevent a Cold

by Setareh Moafi, PhD, L.Ac.

Growing up I could hardly get to the front door to go outside without hearing my mother, my grandmother or one of my aunts yell at me to put on a jacket.

You might relate — the tradition of wearing a jacket, coat or scarf to protect you from catching a cold when you go outside crosses over many cultures.

The idea isn’t just to avoid getting cold, but more importantly we’re told that keeping your body warm will help prevent catching a cold.

Western medicine mostly writes this theory off as an old wive’s tale. Naturally, colds come from viruses, not from a strong breeze, right?

The answer isn’t so simplistic.

According to the Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic, one of the most prominent texts of Chinese Medicine, “Wind is the chief [cause] of the one hundred diseases. When it comes to changes and transformations, other diseases result…[whatever] sets in does so because of Wind Qi.” (Unschuld, 2011, 631). 

Wind is therefore considered to be one of the greatest challenges to healing according to Chinese Medicine. Wind can be associated with acute diseases like colds, flus, allergic reactions, and even chronic health disorders

But how in the world can a breeze, or Wind Qi, cause illness?

Well, it’s because of how pathology can enter and move through your body’s meridian system and the protective barrier that constitutes your immune system.

Your Immune System: The Sinew Meridians & Your Wei Qi

Your Sinew Meridians are a system of channels that cover the entire surface of your body and are responsible for bringing information from your external environment to your senses. 

Most importantly, the Sinew Meridians are conduits of Wei Qi, or Defensive Qi, which protects you from your external environment much like your immune system.

When confronted by Cold, Wind or Dampness - all of which are considered pathological factors in Chinese Medicine - these meridians instigate a defense that manifests as sneezing, sweating or a fever. 

The pathological factor of Wind most easily and commonly enters your body through the back of your neck.

If the Bladder Sinew Meridian, which runs along your back and is your first line of defense, is not able to create a barrier and block the pathological factor (via a tight neck, sneeze and slight sweat), it enters the Tai Yang zone (Bladder & Small Intestine sinews).

If the pathological factor continues to challenge your body and penetrates the Sinew Meridians, it can become a cold that impacts your sinuses and respiratory system.

How You Can Support Your Wei Qi

To protect your immunity, it’s essential to prevent the leakage of your Yang Qi, which keeps your body warm. Wearing a hat, gloves, socks and shoes are basic ways to keep yourself warm.

One of the simplest things you can do to protect the Sinew Meridians from invasion by external pathology is to wear a scarf, especially when it’s cold or windy.

By covering the back of your neck, a scarf helps prevent Wind from entering an important area that’s transited by the first protectors of your Wei Qi in the Sinew Meridian system — your Bladder Sinew Meridian.

Wearing a scarf armors this first line of defense to ensure that the factor of Wind doesn’t go into your body to become a cold or another type of virus.

Even if it’s warm and windy, you can still protect yourself by wearing a light scarf.

The health of your Kidneys is also vital to maintain strong Wei Qi, or defensive Qi, so it’s also essential to keep three additional areas of your body warm—your lower back near your kidneys, your lower abdomen where your kidney energy is stored and your feet through which your Kidney meridian runs.

In essence, keeping your neck contained by wearing a scarf, and making sure your lower back, abdomen, hands and feet are warm helps protect your Wei Qi and immune system so as to prevent compromising your wellbeing during cold seasons.

Therefore, if you go out on a windy, cold day unprotected, the potential to catch a cold is not a myth.

Now that you know, I’d love to hear in the comments how you’re going to take action with these insights—does this empower you to keep your immune system strong?

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Dr. Moafi offers a one-of-a-kind form of empowerment coaching, clinical services, and transformational workshops and online courses that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. More information at

A Comfort Food to Heal Your Gut & Slow Aging

by Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

In Chinese culture, porridge, known as congee, is an essential food for health and rejuvenation.

Congee is essentially a thick soup that can be made using a variety of different grains and sometimes legumes such as adzuki and mung beans.

Though rice is traditionally the most common grain used for this soup, millet and barley are common substitutes because of their unique therapeutic properties.

Millet has the ability to nourish the Yin of the Lungs and Stomach to support hydration and barley is used to nourish blood, cool the Liver and strengthen the digestive system when there is bloating and a weak appetite. Barley can also help build muscle and drain excessive fluid stagnation.

The History of Congee as Medicine

The popularization of congee for medicinal purposes goes back to the Tang Dynasty, the period between 618 to 907 AD, considered to be one of the glorious and progressive periods of civilization in Chinese history. 

Much later during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), one of the most prominent physicians in the history of Chinese Medicine, Li Shi-zhen listed 62 medicinal congees in his classic herbal compendium called Ben Cao Gan Mu, or The Great Outline of Materia Medica.

Today, congee has become a daily staple in Chinese cuisine and an important part of healing regimens for people with digestive disorders and general weakness.

Hydration as a Basis for Yin Nourishment

The Yin aspect of the body relates to the fluids and its structure. Therefore, hydration along with protein dense foods that nourish collagen are critical to maintain your Yin and keep your body’s tissues moist, your joints supple, your skin and muscles firm, your hair lustrous and blood vessels strong. 

The word collagen is rooted in the Greek word '“kolla” meaning glue, denoting the important function of collagen to help maintain the integrity and elasticity of your structure.

As we’ve all experienced, when glue dries up it loses its ability to bind and hold things together. The same thing happens as we age—our collagen dries up and the body gets brittle and flabby.

Your body’s hormones are also a form of Yin.  As Yin declines with aging, the hormones become depleted and along with this development are symptoms of dryness including dry skin, dry joints, dry eyes, and dry mucous membranes.

The decline of Yin is a natural process of aging, but this process of degeneration can be sped up or slowed down depending on your lifestyle.

Yin dries up when heat is generated by the body through any form of excess in your life.

This can be a result of overwork, excessive exercise, excessive exposure to the sun, excessive use of stimulants, alcohol and certain medications, and excessive sexual activity.

How to Support Your Yin

Diet is a key component to support the nourishment of your Yin.

If your diet is moistening and hydrating, your Yin will tend to be healthy. On the other hand, if your diet is too drying which generates heat, this will tend to damage your Yin and lead to accelerated aging.

What you eat thus makes a huge difference in maintaining your constitutional Yin and your exposure to foods that are drying, overheating and overstimulating all contribute to a more rapid deterioration of your Yin.

Since your dietary choices determine to a great extent how you nourish your Yin, this gives you the power to support this critical aspect of your body and your life.

According to Chinese Medicine, the Spleen and Stomach organs are the basis of postnatal nourishment by supporting the production of Stomach Yin.

Stomach Yin equates to the fluids generated by the digestive process that maintain the Yin for all the other systems of the body.

Stomach Fluids as the Basis of Wellness

The Yin produced by the Stomach is called the Jin-Ye which is simply known as the Stomach Fluids.  In Chinese Medicine, however, the Jin and the Ye are different types of fluids that support different structures.

Jin is considered to be the Thin Fluids and Ye is the Thick Fluids.

A western medical association would be the fluids produced and released by the exocrine glands are Thin Fluids and fluids released by the endocrine glands are Thick Fluids.

Exocrine glands secrete fluid through ducts both internally and to the exterior of the body. Endocrine glands, on the other hand, secrete fluids (including hormones) directly into the blood to regulate metabolism, growth, reproduction and other functions.

The Thin ‘Jin’ exocrine fluids moisten the sensory orifices including the eyes, nose, mouth and ears so they can function properly and discharge fluids to the exterior.

The Thin Fluids also nourish the skin to produce sweat and help nourish the skin, the hair and the sinews to keep the tendons strong and supple.  

The Thin Jin fluids also transform into Wei Qi, which is not a liquid but a gaseous state that flows both internally and externally to provide protection as it supports your immune system. Through the transformation of the Thin Jin Fluids into Wei Qi, the thyroid gland also gets supported by the Stomach’s Yin.

The Thick Ye endocrine fluids, on the other hand, condense and become heavy which draws the thick Ye fluids inward into the level of something solid to nourish the organs, the bones, the marrow, and the brain. 

The Thick Ye Fluids are also the basis for the body’s sexual reproductive hormones indicating how diet is key in supporting not only fertility but also regeneration of the body.

Eat Congee to Nourish Your Stomach Yin

Soups and stews are a fundamental way to nourish your fluids and support all of these important systems.

The basic recipe to cook soupy rice congee is as follows:

  1. Preparation: rinse the rice. For long grain and especially brown rice, after rinsing cover the rice with water in a bowl and soak overnight in the refrigerator. Pour the water out then cook. This will allow the rice to break-up more in the cooking process and create a creamier porridge.

  2. Cook 1 cup rice to 5-8 cups of water to create a soupy gruel. The more starchy short-grain rice makes for a more creamy congee but long grain basmati and brown rice can also be used. First bring the water to boil, add the rice and reduce the flame to a simmer.

  3. Add sea salt or pink Himalayan salt to taste. Cook for 2 or more hours depending on the consistency you want to create.

    If you intend to create a soupy congee, put more water and cook longer. If you want a more savory and nourishing congee, substitute Bone Broth for a portion of the water.

Congee can also be prepared in a crock pot overnight.

After preparing the basic soup, you can add meat and vegetables to your taste to enhance the flavor of the congee and add in extra protein and nutrients.

After preparing the basic soup, you can add meat and vegetables to your taste to enhance the flavor of the congee and add in extra protein and nutrients.


Add 5 individual scallions (green onion) chopped with about 1 inch chunk of ginger sliced or diced.

Scallions and ginger are included especially when a person feels an acute chill and body aches with early onset of a cold. If a person tends to just feel sensitivity to cold, a weak appetite, symptoms of nausea, then simply adding ginger is best to warm up the Spleen and Stomach and enhance digestion.

Ginger is also anti-inflammatory and therefore benefits indigestion or gastric upset due to stomach inflammation caused by a deficiency of stomach acid (hydrochloric acid/HCL), or what is called Cold in the Stomach according to Chinese Medicine.

To add more protein to your congee, you can consider stirring in about 5 grams of Collagen Peptides and this can be consumed 2-3 times per day.

And as the photo suggests, you can add in meat and vegetables to your cooked congee to create a more wholesome meal.

When to Be Cautious with Regular Consumption of Congee

Even though one of the great benefits of congee is its hydrating property, the most common grain used for its preparation is rice which is a diuretic. Therefore if you suffer from frequent or excessive urination, known as polyuria, you need to eat rice congee with some caution so as to not overstimulate the loss of fluids. 

Polyuria is often rooted in a Qi deficiency and more severely excessive urination can be associated with a Yang deficiency if a person is also very cold and weak. 

In addition, barley and mung beans are often eaten as porridge for detoxification and these too are diuretics. So extra caution needs to be taken if excessive urination is a problem since diuretics will further drain the Qi and exhaust the Yang making a person colder and weaker.

Therefore, if you want to use congee to build back the strength of your digestive system and polyuria is a concern, I suggest using millet rather than rice or barley to reduce the diuretic effect of your porridge.

In Summary

Nourishing your Stomach Fluids through hydrating foods is fundamental to nourish every aspect of your body.

Congee which is most commonly a rice porridge that is also made from a other grains and some legumes is a staple in Chinese cuisine to nourish Stomach fluids, restore gut health and heal a variety of health disorders.

In fact, there are a plethora of modifications to make congee a medicine to remedy many health conditions. This article is an introduction to this rich and important part of Chinese Medicine cuisine and we’ll be presenting specific recipes used to address many of today’s common ailments in our nutrition program that will be available soon.


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Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. is Founder & Co-Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, CA, a wellness clinic he runs with his wife, Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac., that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine & Japanese Meridian Therapy, a rare non-insertion form of Acupuncture using Gold and Silver needles. Learn more at

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Dr. Moafi offers a one-of-a-kind form of empowerment coaching, clinical services, and transformational workshops and online courses that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. More information at

3 Foods to Strengthen Your Lungs

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac.

Your lungs play an important role in your immune system. As part of the respiratory system, they provide a connection between your external and internal worlds through the breath. Inhalation draws in fresh oxygen and Qi, or energy, while exhalation helps you let go of toxins. 

The Lungs' natural movement is to disperse and descend Qi.

The Lungs disperse, or spread, the body fluids as well as the Wei Qi, the defensive Qi that runs on the surface of the skin to protect you during the day and travels into the body to help you sleep at night. 

This ensures that Wei Qi is equally distributed under the skin and to the muscles to warm and moisten the skin, allowing for a normal amount of sweating, and to protect the body from external pathogens that can cause colds, flus and skin problems (see more about this in a previous article).

As the uppermost organ, the Lungs also descend Qi to communicate with the Kidneys, which are said to 'grasp' the Qi of the Lungs. This allows for deep breathing. 

The Lungs also direct body fluids downward to Kidneys and Bladder. Dysfunction in the communication between the Lungs and Kidneys can result in wheezing and asthma or accumulation of fluids either from the failure of the Lungs to descend the Qi or weakness in the Kidneys that prevent the grasping of the Lung Qi.

The Lungs also have an important relationship with the Large Intestine. The descension of Lung Qi stimulates peristalsis to support detoxification through the colon.

While breathing exercises and regular movement practices like Yoga and Qi Gong certainly help to support your Lung Qi, there are also some key foods that can strengthen your Lungs and support your immune system overall.

Since the pathological factor that most commonly affects your Lungs is dryness (which is also the predominant factor during the Fall season) it’s important to stay hydrated and integrate three groups of foods that support the Lungs: fruits, nuts and root vegetables.

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#1 Fruit

According to Chinese Medicine, all fruits support the Lungs.

Compact fruits such as pears, apples, Asian pears, and persimmons are most beneficial to nourish your Lungs. These fruits moisten Lung Yin to stop a dry cough and increase hydration during the dry season.

Eating apple-pear stew (cut one apple, one pear and simmer slowly on low heat - no water needed!) can help to moisten a dry cough. And drinking a little pear juice before going to bed can help you fall asleep since the Lungs must be nourished to anchor the Wei Qi, or defensive Qi, of the body, to help you fall asleep.

Though fruits are great hydrating foods, they should be consumed in moderation as their sweet nature can create phlegm and congest the Lungs. Citrus in particular, especially in the form of juice, is overly concentrated in sugar and can cause phlegm or mucus to develop, weakening your Lung Qi.

#2 Nuts

Like fruits, all nuts have an affinity with the Lungs. The nuts that help support Lung Qi in particular are pine nuts and sweet almonds. Walnuts help strengthen the Kidneys to grasp the Qi of the Lungs. Walnuts therefore are considered an important food for conditions like asthma with shortness of breath.

The only caution is to eat nuts in moderation and to avoid them if you have skin problems as nuts can generally hyper activate your Wei Qi, or defensive Qi, and lead to allergies, acne and skin irritation.

The damp or fungal nature of nuts also warrant caution. Roasting nuts reduces shelf life by causing the oils to more quickly turn rancid. It’s therefore best to purchase raw nuts and toast or soak them yourself to make them easier to digest. Walnuts and almonds are especially nice to eat when soaked overnight.

#3 Root Vegetables & Tubers

Root vegetables not only support your Lungs’ ability to descend Qi, but they also help fortify your digestive system by fortifying your Spleen and Stomach.

Root vegetables that are high in beta carotene, the precursor to Vitamin A (an important vitamin for immune health as well as the health of your hair, skin and nails) are especially beneficial to strengthen the Lungs. These include carrots, beets and sweet potatoes.

Tubers, including parsnips, rutabaga and daikon also help the Lungs descend Qi to support peristalsis. Rutabaga and daikon are also known for their ability to break up stagnation and clear fire toxins through the colon. In addition, turnips help to break up phlegm and are great to strengthen the Lungs and help clear a cough with mucous.


While these foods can generally support the health of your Lungs, this list is certainly not exhaustive and not all of the foods here may be beneficial to everyone. Nutrition is highly personalized, so if you want more specific recommendations, you can work with us or a trusted practitioner.

Remember that Nutrition = Food + Digestion so it’s important to remember that food is only beneficial when it’s properly digested so it’s always essential to support your digestive system to support healthy nutrition.

If you’re interested in learning about Classical Chinese nutrition in greater depth, you can learn more and join the waitlist for my upcoming program.

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Dr. Moafi offers a one-of-a-kind form of empowerment coaching, clinical services, and transformational workshops and online courses that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. More information at

Two Surprisingly Simple Ways to Boost Your Immune System

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. & Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

While Autumn is the most important time of year to support your Lungs, your Lung health is essential to support your immune system year round. Here are two less common tips to strengthen your Lungs and support your immune system during Autumn and beyond.

Tip #1: Hydrate

Autumn is the season of the Metal element, which relates to the Lungs, the Large Intestine (or colon) and skin. Your skin is your body’s largest detoxification organ (byway of sweating) and therefore your most important defense against external pathogenic factors, or anything in the environment that can compromise your immunity.

Your skin is also an extension of your Lungs and what Chinese Medicine refers to as Lung Yin. Lung Yin is comprised of substance and fluids so if your Lung Yin is dry, your skin will be dry too. 

Just as the skin detoxifies your body through sweating, the Large Intestine also supports detoxification through elimination of waste. 

The Lungs, Large Intestine and skin are associated with the Metal element and the Fall season and each requires proper hydration to work efficiently.

If your colon is dry, you may experience constipation with dry, hard stools and if your Lungs are too dry you may experience dry cough, lips and mouth as well as dry skin.

Simply drinking adequate amounts of water helps hydrate these organs, but it’s also important to eat hydrating foods such as soups and stews as well as to steam and boil rather than fry or bake foods (which increase dryness) to support hydration even more.

Since most of the filtered water we drink nowadays is stripped of the minerals that help maintain proper fluid balance in the body, you may need to add some naturally processed salt to your drinking water to help your body retain fluids, especially if you notice your body feels and looks dry. 

If you’re concerned about salt because of high blood pressure, be sure to use naturally processed salt such as Himalayan pink salt or Celtic sea salt. Pink Himalayan salt is higher in potassium and lower in sodium than Celtic salt and may actually help lower blood pressure and reduce palpitations and heart arrhythmias. 

Managing proper hydration is the first step to keeping your immune system functioning optimally by supporting the production of your defensive Qi, known as Wei Qi. 

Wei Qi circulates along your skin’s surface at night to protect you from environmental factors that can challenge your immune system. At night, your Wei Qi withdraws internally to help your have a good night’s sleep.

Tip #2: Diffuse Immune Boosting Essential Oils

Essential oils provide potent support for immune and metabolic functions. They strengthen the Lung Qi to effectively combat fatigue, low immunity and asthma. 

Evergreen essential oils, including Pine, Black Spruce, Cypress and Balsam Fir, are important immune boosting oils

These oils can be used in an essential oil diffuser to strengthen your immune system and prevent colds and flus during the Fall season. 

If you have pets, be especially cautious with diffusing any essential oils, especially those like Pine which can be toxic to dogs.

If you tend to get sick during this season, you can consider using Eucalyptus oils to clear congestion in your lungs especially during the acute stage of an infection. 

Eucalyptus Radiata is a good all purpose ear, nose and throat oil and very good for viruses and can be combined with Eucalyptus Citriodora or Eucalyptus Globulus to combat infections. Diffusing essential oils, particularly those extracted from evergreens, can help strengthen your Lungs and clear your home and office to protect you from colds, flus and other viruses.


Hydrating your Lungs and supporting your body’s immune function is imperative during the Fall season to protect yourself from the plethora of colds and flus that tend to arise during this time of year. By incorporating essential oils and proper hydration, you’ll effectively support your health as we approach the colder Winter season.

*Here are some dietary tips to provide you with additional support for your Lungs & immune system.

Please note: These health tips are for educational purposes only. Please consult your medical professional for health advice specific for your individual needs.

Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. is Founder & Co-Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, CA, a wellness clinic he runs with his wife, Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac., that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine & Japanese Meridian Therapy, a rare non-insertion form of Acupuncture using Gold and Silver needles. Learn more at

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic she runs with her husband, Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac., that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Dr. Moafi offers clinical services and transformational courses that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. Learn more at and

Qi Gong to Connect Your Heart & Kidneys for Optimal Health

with Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

According to Chinese Medicine, the essential Qi that's houses your life purpose is stored at birth in your Kidneys. The expression of your purpose comes through your Heart.

Strong communication between your Heart and Kidneys is therefore the basis for having a clear sense of purpose and the drive to live out that purpose, as well as the ability to give and receive both love and joy.

Physiologically, the Heart brings oxygenated blood to cells, while the Kidneys help eliminate waste products from the blood to prevent autointoxication.

In Chinese Medicine, your Kidneys also store your Jing, or Essence, which needs to be activated within your body through the Triple Heater system for your life purpose to naturally unfold.

In this Qi Gong class, Salvador shares practices that help open your Heart to balance its relationship with your Kidney system, as well as powerful health tips and a special breathing technique to boost your immune system. 

Through Heart-Kidney communication, you can also cultivate self-love so you can share more love and healing with others.

Here are some highlights of the practice:

  • Start: the important relationship between your Heart and Kidneys

  • 7:02: get right into the physical practice

  • 38:00: learn important health and immune boosting tips to protect you from viruses and more.

  • 40:05: learn Senobi breathing, a unique breathing technique to boost your immune system.

Enjoy this Qi Gong practice!

Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. is Founder & Co-Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, CA, a wellness clinic he runs with his wife, Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac., that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine & Japanese Meridian Therapy, a rare non-insertion form of Acupuncture using Gold and Silver needles. Learn more at

Don't Let Low Libido Get You Down

by Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

One of the most common complaints I hear from patients of all ages is low sex drive. Today with so many people overworking, we see this problem with younger and younger patients.

Understanding the core causes of low sex drive can lead to effective treatment with Chinese Medicine. Since the sexual reproductive system is driven by the Kidney’s energy we often need to focus on restoring Kidney Essence and Kidney Yang Qi to restore both sexual drive and function.

The genesis of low libido patterns often arise due to exhaustion from an imbalanced lifestyle. When too much is demanded of the body’s resources from overwork and stress to overindulgence in sex, drugs and late nights, the body’s Essence and Yang Qi simply eventually can’t keep up and low libido can develop regardless of one’s age.

In general, low libido and decreased sexual performance are often rooted in damaging lifestyle patterns which include a chronic lack of sleep, excessive use of stimulants and recreational drugs, excessive sexual activity and, of course, exhaustion from overworking and stress.

Furthermore, low libido is occurring more frequently in younger individuals these days because in general the constitutional Essence of the younger generation isn’t as strong as older generations who lived closer to the earth and had simpler lifestyles.

Of course, the physical demands on the older generations was often quite extreme and people in general didn’t live as long as we do today, but these prior generations grew up on wholesome natural foods void of the sugar and food additives found in today’s modern American diet.

Beginning with the advent of TV dinners in the mid-1950’s and prepared frozen meals, the Standard American diet started to decline. Add in an increase in sugar and chemicals in the diet of young people and newer generation mothers will tend to develop weaker constitutions which will impact their offspring’s constitution as well. Furthermore, this situation has been exacerbated with the poor toxic diets children grow up on from birth to adulthood.

With this said, we can see why low libido is a more common issue today than years past along with the issue of infertility which has become a booming industry because of these factors.

In environments like Silicon Valley where I practice Chinese Medicine, work and life-stress in general is extremely high and this creates a chronic situation where unnatural demands on the body’s resources to support stress hormones far exceeds the need to produce sexual reproductive hormones.

This exposure to chronic stress over time can lead to sexual dysfunction, including erectile dysfunction (ED) as well as infertility.

It’s no wonder a study many years ago demonstrated that 50% of the infertile women who practiced meditation daily ended up getting pregnant. 50% got pregnant naturally from simply relaxing! Meditation and relaxation helped regulate their sexual hormones so they were able to get pregnant through natural means.

The end result of extreme daily stress can not only lead you to feeling tired, but can also lead to a lack of interest or energy to engage in sex. This is because if your body is working overtime during periods of high stress, your resources will be utilized to produce stress hormones and therefore reduces the resources necessary to produce sexual hormones to help your body regenerate and support healthy reproductive function—which is also why long term stress accelerates the aging process.

Even if improving your sexual function is not your priority, this topic is important so you understand how to preserve youthfulness and ensure graceful aging.

Your Jing

Maintaining healthy DNA relates to maintaining your Jing. The organ system that stores and preserves your Jing is the Kidney system. The adrenal glands are also a part of the Kidney organ system. For example, when a woman goes into menopause and her ovaries shut down, the adrenal glands take over the production of sexual hormones, including estrogen and progesterone.

It’s thus essential that a woman struggling with menopause supports her adrenal glands during this transitional period. This is why overworked women with exhausted adrenal glands are prone to suffer from menopausal symptoms such as hot flushing and night sweats.

Your Jing can also be impacted by emotional trauma. Since the Kidneys relate to the emotion of fear and shock, a person who has gone through great trauma can also develop weakened Kidney’s Essence, which can lead to reproductive problems and menopausal symptoms as well.

In Chinese Medicine, Jing is a reflection of the status of Yin, which is a form of fluids. As a form of fluids, Blood helps to nourish Yin. It’s therefore essential to keep the blood strong to support the nourishment of the Kidney Yin.

According to Chinese Medicine, the Liver Blood protects the Kidney Essence from declining, so supporting the Liver to store blood is key to protecting your Jing and preserving your youthfulness.

A diet that includes red meat such as beef, lamb and bison supports the Liver to store blood. If a person has weak blood and is a vegetarian, it’s indeed much more difficult to help the Liver store blood especially in terms of supporting fertility.

One of my first Chinese Medicine teachers who specialized in treating infertility would turn away patients who were vegetarian if they wanted to get pregnant. This is because a diet that excludes red meat is much more challenging to build up the Liver’s Blood than a meat-based diet.

Animal products such as beef and lamb support both the Yin and Yang aspects of the Kidneys so these are powerful, vitalizing foods. When a person is working hard physically or mentally and suffering from sexual reproduction problems like infertility and low libido, boosting the Yin with cholesterol foods supports the raw material for hormone production.

Fortify Your Yang Qi to Boost Your Libido

Four-legged animals like cows and lambs are imbued with a lot of Yang Qi energy, so eating this type of meat can quickly fortify your Yang to enhance energy and sexual performance.

In addition, Acupuncture and Qi Gong are modalities that can help fortify your Yang Qi. Along with consumption of animal products, these powerful practices can help enhance your libido and sexual reproductive functions.

Enhancing your Qi with Acupuncture and Qi Gong helps stimulate Yang Qi to strengthen the production and consolidation of Yin to support your sexual reproduction system. And as your body becomes more balanced through these modalities, sleep will improve and your Yin will also increase because resting is key to regenerating and preserving your Kidney Yin. Increasing your Kidney Yin equates to increasing the production of reproductive hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone to help restore and optimize sexual function.

Here are some herbs that can help out as well.

*Five Herbs to Support Your Sex Drive

Herbal medicine is an important aspect of Chinese Medicine to support your Liver to store Blood and boost your Kidneys’ Yin and Yang energies. Though I’m discussing some individual herbs as examples in this article, it’s important to understand that in the practice of Chinese Medicine, we do not generally prescribe herbs individually but rather we use them synergistically in formulas to counterbalance any side effects.

Since supporting your adrenals is key to boosting your Kidneys, I’ve chosen to share some common herbs that support both adrenal function and sexual health. These herbs include Ashwaganda, Gotu Kola, Holy Basil (Tulsi), Epimedium (also called the ‘Horny Goat Weed’ and Yin Yang Huo) and Cuscuta Seed (also called Chinese Dodder Seed and Tu Si Zi in Chinese Medicine).

  1. Ashwagandha is a popular herb that’s native to India. Ashwagandha is known as Indian Ginseng and is especially useful for men with low testosterone, low sperm count and low libido. It also helps reduce anxiety and boosts GABA, a brain neurotransmitter that both helps you relax when overstressed and promotes sleep, which is critical to restore adrenal strength.

    Since Ashwagandha is considered a Kidney Yin and Yang tonic, it can potentially be too warming for some patients so keep this in mind when using it. It has been shown to increase the adrenal’s production of DHEA, a precursor hormone for testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. It’s also been found to reduce depression.

    Generally speaking, Ashwagandha is considered a supportive agent for low libido and erectile dysfunction, but keep in mind if you have Yin deficiency with heat signs, Ashwaganda can create too much heat in the body.

    In these cases, it’s best to nourish the body’s Yin and slowly introduce a warming agent like Ashwagandha along with cooling Yin nourishing herbs. Often times, once the Kidneys’ Yin is nourished, warming stimulants are not even necessary.

    Yin burns out first then the body’s Yang weakens, so it’s important to nourish Yin to recover your Yang Qi. Since resting is a Yin activity, rest is essential for recuperating your vitality.

  2. Gotu Kola is one of my favorite brain herbs. Gotu Kola strongly benefits brain health by improving circulation and thereby increasing oxygenation into the brain. Gotu Kola has also been found to promote regeneration of brain nerve cells.

    Since the brain is considered the seat of the Kidney’s Jing, we can see how Gotu Kola is a potent Kidney tonic.

    Gotu Kola is also known for its ability to improve memory recall. Since memory recall is a function of the Liver in Chinese Medicine, we can make the association of how Gotu Kola supports the Liver’s Blood.

    With such potent brain function benefits, it’s no wonder Gotu Kola has long been considered an important longevity herb.

    In terms of libido, Gotu Kola is also considered an aphrodisiac and this is possibly due to its enhancement of blood circulation, which can help with supporting erection and sexual satisfaction. Gotu Kola also helps calm the nervous system and reduces anxiety as well as depression which can also benefit one’s sexual desire.

    As a blood invigorating herb, it can potentially overstimulate menstruation and is contraindicated during pregnancy. Because of these side effects it’s always advised to consult an herbal professional when using herbal supplements

  3. Holy Basil is a common Ayurvedic herb used to support adrenal health. Holy Basil is also called Tulsi meaning “Sacred Plant” in the Ayurvedic tradition.

    Holy Basil helps reduce cortisol levels and therefore has a potent stress reducing action on the body.

    By reducing cortisol, it allows the adrenal glands to conserve energy and resources for the production of sex hormones rather than stress hormones. This is why even though Holy Basil is an adrenal supporting herb, it’s more of a relaxant than a stimulant that helps with anxiety and stress management.

    Ironically, Holy Basil can actually reduce sexual desire, but the reason I’ve included it in this discussion on low libido is that if you’re exhausted from overwork and stress, it’s essential to first recuperate your energy before you can expect to frolic between the sheets.

    An important warning when using Holy Basil is that it’s so strong in winding down a hyped up neuroendocrine system that if you’re already burned out, you may feel worse when taking it. In such cases, Holy Basil should be augmented with other supportive herbal agents or avoided altogether.

    Holy Basil can also reduce blood sugar so if a person has hypoglycemia, Holy Basil may not be well tolerated and contraindicated. Ideally, Holy Basil is for the very hyper type person who can’t seem to slow down and relax and not a person who is already dragging.

    For the overly exhausted person who feels cold and uninterested in sex, an herb like Epimedium, also known as Horny Goat Weed, may be more appropriate.

  4. Epimedium is one of the important herbs to add into a formula when a person is truly lacking a sex drive but not overheated from Yin deficiency.

    What this means is a person should not be too dry and hot inside because Horny Goat Weed will exacerbate an overheated body and cause further burnout.

    Under the right conditions, Epimedium can be a true wonder herb when someone needs a boost with their sexual appetite and sexual potency especially when used at the right time and with assistant Yin tonic herbs to balance out its overly warming side effects.

  5. Cuscuta Seed (Tu Si Zi) is an important herb used in Chinese Herbal Medicine to strengthen the Kidney Yang Qi and nourish the Kidney Yin. It also helps astringe Jing to reduce the loss of Essence if premature ejaculation and urinary frequency are problems.

    By benefiting Kidney Yang, Cuscuta seeds also help boost sexual desire and reduce sexual impotence.

    Since Cuscuta seeds also nourish both the Kidney and Livers’ Yin, this herb helps strengthen the lumbar spine for lower back pain problems which as you can imagine will improve one’s sexual performance as well. In addition, in terms of nourishing the Livers’ Yin, Cuscuta seeds help reduce blurry vision and spots before the eyes. This herb is often combined with Gou Qi Zi berries to improve the vision and I have had personal experience with the benefits of these herbs for vision enhancement and use them periodically when my vision seems to weaken.

In Summary

While Chinese Medicine is a complex study that offers many herbs to support low libido and sexual function, these are some common herbs you may be familiar with that are used today in modern herbalism for low libido and what I will call ‘sexual rehabilitation’.

For any reproduction issue it’s imperative to keep the Liver Blood strong because this is how the Kidney Yin maintains its health. In addition, once the Yin and Blood are depleted, the Yang will suffer and this will compromise the sex drive and libido.

The herbs presented in this article are supportive agents to nourish the Liver Blood and strengthen the Kidney Yin and Yang energies of the body and thereby help normalize sexual reproduction functions.

*This article is for educational purposes only and it’s strongly advised that you consult a medical professional who specializes in herbal medicine before embarking on using these potent substances. Remember that even though an herb may seem appropriate for you, it may be contraindicated with your specific health pattern or need to be used in conjunction with other herbs to balance its side effects.

Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. is Founder & Co-Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, CA, a wellness clinic he runs with his wife, Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac., that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine & Japanese Meridian Therapy, a rare non-insertion form of Acupuncture using Gold and Silver needles. Learn more at

The Purpose of Your Pain—3 Important lessons

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac.

We all feel pain in some way or another. Whether it’s an injury or a catastrophic life change, suffering seems inherent to being human.

And yet so much of our suffering is by choice.

We stress about things we can’t control or worry about a future we can’t see or predict.

On a physical level, we get injured when we’re not being gentle with ourselves or if we need to slow down.

The challenges in the body often reflect what’s happening in the mind. We harbor years-long resentment that eventually manifests in the body as a life threatening illness or disease. We carry the wounds of our past on our shoulders, creating neck pain and tension and even inhibiting physical mobility. We fear our future and find that our lower back is gripping, tight and even loses stability.

So why do we allow ourselves to suffer so much pain?

As our consciousness expands, the hope is that while the struggles of life may continue, we can mitigate or even eliminate our experience of suffering. And while I realize it’s not so easy to just let go of suffering, Chinese Medicine offers some invaluable tools that can help you understand and find purpose through your pain.

Pain has a purpose and the potential to awaken a consciousness that eventually moves you to a greater sense of peace.

Here are three important lessons we can all learn when we experience pain.

Lesson #1: Pain Awakens You to the Present Moment

A couple Saturdays ago, I asked my husband to take our dog out so I could have some downtime alone at home. I looked forward to having the morning on my own before I had to teach a private yoga class.

Rather than savor the time and take things slowly, I found myself rushing through my yoga practice so I could get through a long list of to do’s before the rest of my family returned home.

As I practiced outside, I focused on all the things that needed to be done in our garden. And since time was limited, I shifted to a faster, more active practice. As I began to work with more intensive exercises (while simultaneously thinking about what I needed to do next), I heard a pop in my lower back…then pain that began to radiate into my left hip.

While I began to move more slowly and finally be more present, I didn’t stop. My body still warm, I continued with some work around the the house before leaving to teach a private yoga class. By the end of the session, I felt the pain worsen.

”As long as I listen and be with this, it’ll go away,” I thought. Not so fast, unfortunately.

By the time I got home, the pain moved quickly from mild to sharp and by the end of the afternoon I literally couldn’t walk.

The shock left me more present than I had been all day, and perhaps longer.

In starting the day off hurried trying to get everything done, I spent that weekend in bed unable to get anything done and hardly able to move - or sleep - from the pain.

I realized just how out of the present moment I was in an effort to achieve rather than simply be.

Luckily, my husband is a master of his craft and with daily Acupuncture, he helped get me walking within a couple days and teaching comfortable by the following week. But it was a humbling experience to say the least.

As a yoga teacher and acupuncturist you’d think I’d know better, but as a human I’d allowed my mind to override and disempower my body.

Sometimes it takes an injury or severe pain to wake us up more fully to the present moment.

But if you hear the call to be more present, it’s likely that the pain will abate sooner than later.

Lesson #2: Pain Drives You Deeper into Your Body

When I teach Yin Yoga, I often teach the concept of playing your edge. This means going into a stretch deeply enough that it challenges you without compromising your ability to breathe deeply while you hold the posture.

So too in life, it’s important to play your edge in order to grow.

In other words, you want to do things that challenge you but don’t cause you suffering.

Work on projects, take up hobbies, but avoid pushing anything you do to the point of pain.

We’re such a driven society that we often feel that when we want to do something, we need to push ourselves to the point of complete exhaustion. Oftentimes your body will stop you as you’re starting to reach that point by creating physical pain.

This results because of an imbalance of Yin and Yang—in this case a predominance of Yang.

The Yin aspect of your body comprises your fluids and blood, while the Yang is associated with your Qi, or energy.

Yang is active and assertive, Yin is more quiet and passive. And while both aspects coexist and are interdependent, an excess of either can lead to pathology.

Excessive exertion causes a predominance of Yang, which can damage the Yin fluids and cause injury over time.

That’s why self-care must be done for the purpose of prevention and not just as a response to injury, pain or discomfort.

When you take care of yourself, you’re able to hear your body when it’s fatigued or uncomfortable—and shift to slow yourself down before it’s too late.

Your body has an innate wisdom. Cultivating your mind-body-breath connection through practices like Yoga and Qi Gong helps keep you attuned to this wisdom and know when it’s necessary to make a shift.

Lesson #3: Pain Instigates an Exploration & Understanding of Your Mind

The human mind can be stubborn and unfocused, especially if it’s exhausted or lacks direction.

However, it’s important to remember that you are not your mind. By learning to temper and control your mind, you can use it to heal your body more quickly.

The challenge with the mind is that it’s difficult to change, which is why it’s important to train the body first.

Your body is the most powerful vehicle you have to drive change in your mind, and life.

This is why practices like meditation that focus on the mind - without first cultivating your body - can cause you to become more disembodied and lead to mental instability.

On the other hand, embodiment practices like Yoga and Qi Gong anchor you into your physical body, and harness the breath to bring you into a state of presence.

Connecting your body and breath can transform your experience, and alleviate much of the suffering that’s perpetuated by your mind.

Wisdom resides in your body — your gut feeling is a feeling, after all.

The mind is what distracts you from that inner wisdom, leading you out of the present moment to focus instead on a narrative about the past, what you ‘should’ be doing or what could come of the future.

When your mind is quiet, you can see things more clearly for what they are rather than lead with fear or resistance.

When your mind is quiet, you are fully present in the moment, without judgment.

When your mind is quiet, you can fully embrace your experience for what it is and allow the lessons that arise out of that experience find their way to you.

To quiet your mind completely, you must be fully embodied.

It often takes walking along a path of pain and suffering to get to the quietude.

Nevertheless, that pain has value and if you listen for the lessons, then you can more quickly move through the pain and find greater ease in your life.

* Ready for relief? Acupuncture can help. Not only does it support your embodiment, but it’s also one of the most effective forms of pain management.

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Dr. Moafi offers clinical services and transformational workshops that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. More at

3 Keys to an Allergy-Free Life

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. & Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

As blossoms open and pollen fills the air in particular as we approach springtime, you may notice your allergies already begin to flare up.

Here are a few things you can do to boost your immunity and prevent allergy season from taking over your life.

Dampness manifests in the body as a fungal terrain that can promote postnasal drip and sinus congestion by trapping pollen in your body.

Dampness manifests in the body as a fungal terrain that can promote postnasal drip and sinus congestion by trapping pollen in your body.

  1. Reduce Dampness

    Dampness manifests in the body as a fungal terrain resulting most commonly from excessive use of antibiotics, birth control pills or corticosteroid medications, or a diet high in sugar and carbohydrates. You can therefore understand why one of the most effective ways to reduce dampness in the body is to reduce intake of sugars and carbohydrates, as well as the consumption of cold foods such as ice cream and too much salad, both of which tax the Spleen, the organ in charge of transformation of food into energy. A weak Spleen results in the production of excess dampness, which can present as fungus anywhere in your body, including the throat and sinuses.

    A damp terrain is a fungal terrain. Just as chronic sinusitis is now recognized to be associated with fungus, the same fungal pathology can seep into the brain to down-regulate brain neuron function.

    A damp terrain can promote postnasal drip and trap pollen in your body, creating an allergic reaction and potentially even leading to a bad cold or sinus infection. Here’s more on how dampness manifests in your body and why it presents a challenge to healing.

  2. Consider a Liver Detox

    Depending on the strength of your constitution and health overall, you may want to consider doing a Liver detox as we transition into the Spring season, which is the season that according to Chinese Medicine is most closely related to the Liver.

    Normally the Metal energy, which is related to the Lungs, controls the Wood energy, which is related to the Liver.  However, if this relationship is imbalanced due to either a weakness in the Metal energy, which is common during Autumn, or overactivity of the Wood energy, which is common during Spring, this can cause the Liver to insult the Lungs. This will happen especially if the liver is overheated with toxicity. One way to clear the Liver is through a liver detox.

    While this would be best assessed with the guidance of a healthcare professional, especially someone well versed in Chinese Medicine, there are some signs you can evaluate on your own. You can learn more in this article.

  3. Strengthen Your Kidneys, Lungs & Spleen to Support Your Immune System

    If you tend to work hard even through the more Yin seasons of the year, you may find that your immune system becomes more compromised as we transition into the more Yang seasons of Spring and Summer.

    If you rest more during Autumn and Winter, you’ll find you can more easily cultivate the energy you need to live out your goals and dreams. That’s why it’s important to take care of your Kidneys throughout the cooler months. Many of the same keys that can help you end brain fog can also help you prevent allergies.

    And if you’ve forgotten or are going through a transition that’s made self-care a challenge, you can still work on strengthening your Lungs, which is primarily associated with Autumn but support your immune system year round, and supporting your Spleen Qi and Earth energy in general to boost your immunity and protect yourself from allergies and colds.

    Strengthening your Earth and the organs of the Spleen and Stomach becomes even more essential during any transition or Doyo Period, the 18-day period that begins 9 days before each seasonal change.

By clearing your Liver, opening your Lungs and supporting your Earth energy, you can liberate yourself from the frustration of allergies and enjoy the beauty of each and every season, blossoms and all.

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California. Setareh offers clinical services and transformational workshops that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. Learn more at

Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. is the Founder and Co-Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine & Japanese Meridian Therapy, a rare non-insertion form of Acupuncture. Salvador also teaches Qi Gong at the Dharma Studio within A Center for Natural Healing.

How to Quickly (& Easily) Boost Your Metabolism

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac.

It’s often said in Chinese Medicine that your Kidneys comprise your most essential organ system.

The Kidneys house your essential energy, known as Jing Qi, as well as your willpower, or Zhi, which together lay the foundation for a healthy, long life.

The Kidney system also plays an important role in supporting your digestion and its fortitude is a major player in maintaining a healthy metabolism. This is because your Kidney Yang supports both of the primary organs of digestion in Chinese Medicine — your Spleen and your Stomach.

Healthy Digestion for a Healthy Metabolism

Metabolism is the biochemical process that enables organisms to transform chemical energy stored in molecules into energy that can be used for cellular processes. Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the number of calories your body burns to maintain vital body functions such as heart rate, brain function and breathing.

When your metabolism is impeded, a cascade of imbalances can occur, including the interruption of basic functions including sleep and digestion.

Improving your digestion is one of the fastest ways to boost your metabolism — healthy digestion leads to nutrient absorption from food for the formation of energy.

Digestion involves two distinct parts: 

  1. Mechanical digestion by chewing, grinding, churning and mixing that takes place in the mouth and the stomach.

  2. Chemical digestion that uses enzymes, bile acids in order to break down food material into a form that can be absorbed, then assimilated into the tissues of the body. Most chemical digestion takes place in the small intestine. Many of the digestive enzymes that act in the small intestine are secreted by the pancreas and liver and enter the small intestine via the pancreatic duct. 

From a Chinese Medicine point of view, the primary organs of digestion are your Spleen and Stomach, both of which are supported by your Kidney Qi.

Your Stomach is your ‘cooking pot’ — Stomach Fire creates the acids to break down and digest proteins.

Your Spleen Qi, on the hand, needs more of an alkaline environment for the production of pancreatic enzymes to break down carbohydrates.

Warm, cooked foods including soups are easy to digest and therefore minimize the taxation on your digestive system, in particular your Spleen Qi.

Warm, cooked foods including soups are easy to digest and therefore minimize the taxation on your digestive system, in particular your Spleen Qi.

Warm, Yang energy increases circulation throughout your body and supports digestion. It’s therefore important to eat warm, cooked foods, especially in the wintertime and in colder temperatures in general.

The primary function of Spleen Qi is to transform and transport both your food and your thoughts.

Each time you consume something cold such as an iced drink or ice cream, the Spleen Qi expends even more energy to transform that food into energy.

The harder the Spleen has to work, the more it becomes taxed and its potential ability to transform and transport food (as well as your thoughts) becomes inhibited, resulting in the accumulation of dampness, phlegm and what can be recognized as a fungal terrain.

Eventually, this leads to weight gain and poor metabolic function, as well as excessive worry or overthinking resulting from the Spleen’s correlation with your mental faculty, known as Yi.

Strong Kidney Yang is essential to support your Stomach Fire and Spleen Qi to aid digestion; healthy digestion plus healthy food is what provides your body with nutrition.

Contrary to common trends that encourage eating salads in order to lose weight, Chinese Medicine encourages instead eating warm, cooked foods including soups and stews to keep the Kidney Yang and Spleen Qi vital and therefore maintain a healthy metabolism.

Warm Your Core to Boost Your Metabolism

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that are located against the back muscles in the upper abdominal area. On top of each kidney lie the adrenal glands, which produce a number of different steroid hormones that regulate many functions to maintain healthy metabolism and brain function.

The adrenals are commonly known as the ‘stress glands’ because they respond to acute stress, but if episodes of stress become chronic, long lasting or recurring, they can drive the body into metabolic crises.

Since the adrenal glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, and stress response, it’s important to reduce taxation on them and the Kidney system as a whole.

Besides managing your stress and eating more warm, cooked foods, it’s also important to keep your core temperature warm to support a healthy metabolism.

This is naturally more important during the colder months in Autumn and Winter, but it’s important to pay attention to this overall, especially if you’re dealing with chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion or illness.

The core of your body, known as the Dan Tian in Chinese and Hara in Japanese, stores the essential energy of your body. Too much cold stagnates the energy in this region, inhibiting it from circulating throughout the rest of your body.

It’s important to cultivate this core energy through practices including Yoga and Qi Gong, as well as to keep this area of your body warm in general.

Moxibustion — the application of heat from warming herbs including mugwort along specific points and areas of the body — is an exceptional way to bring warmth to your Kidneys and to the core of your body.

Your Acupuncturist may do moxibustion on specific points that support your metabolism. You can also place a moxa heat pack directly on your lower abdomen and lower back to help nourish your Kidney energy and increase your core temperature, especially during the colder months.

Far infrared saunas are another way to warm your core temperature and support your Kidneys. The many benefits of the longer wavelength infrared waves that are thermal include improved circulation, better sleep, pain reduction, detoxification, and increased metabolism.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, the gentle heat induction from far infrared rays helps you increase blood circulation. As your body increases sweat production to cool itself, your heart works harder to pump blood at a greater rate to boost circulation and therefore support your metabolism.


A healthy metabolism supports you to feel vital and energetic while supporting all of the basic functions of your body, including your heart rate, gut health, brain function, and breathing.

The fundamental way to to support your metabolism is to maintain the health of your Kidney energy.

The Kidneys are more than just an individual organ in Chinese Medicine as they also correspond to your reproductive system, adrenal glands, auditory system, your skeletal structure and your brain. Important hormones that support your body’s ability to regenerate, such as DHEA, testosterone, progesterone and estrogen all relate to your Kidneys health.

Two of the easiest ways to support this process is to eat mostly warm, cooked foods and drinks as well as that you keep the core of your body strong, supple and warm.


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Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic she runs with her husband, Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac., that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Dr. Moafi offers clinical services and transformational courses that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. Learn more at and

Here's How to End Brain Fog

By Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

According to Chinese Medicine theory, your Kidneys store your essential energy, or Essence, known as Jing Qi. We are all born with a finite amount of Jing Qi and therefore it’s important to safe-guard this valuable resource. In fact, Jing Qi is our most important commodity as it relates to your cellular DNA and your body’s hormonal reserves required to support healthy aging.

The Kidneys are more than just an individual organ in Chinese Medicine as they correspond to a complex system of organs and structures including the reproductive system, the adrenal glands, the ears (auditory system), the entire skeletal structure and the brain. Important hormones that support your body’s ability to regenerate, such as DHEA, testosterone, progesterone and estrogen all relate to your Kidneys health.

The brain is an extension of your Kidney system and considered the seat of your Jing Qi. Maintaining the health of your Kidneys is therefore vital to support your overall health and the health of your brain.

The Adrenal Glands & Brain Health

The adrenal glands sit on top of each kidney and produce a number of different steroid hormones that regulate many functions to maintain healthy metabolism and brain function.

The adrenals are commonly known as the “stress” glands because they respond to acute stress.

If these episodes of stress become chronic, long lasting recurring events, they can drive the body into metabolic crises.

Cortisol is a primary steroid hormone produced and released by the adrenal glands during periods of stress. Short-term, cortisol is our friend, but over long sustained periods, cortisol can create elevated blood sugar and induce a state known as insulin resistance that can lead to weight gain with increased belly fat and high blood pressure. The occurrence of all these factors can lead to the development of Syndrome X, a metabolic disorder that leads to heart disease and diabetes.

Furthermore, having too much sugar floating around the blood with cells that are impaired to utilize it can lead to sticky blood causing blood stagnation and an excessively fungal internal environment referred to in Chinese Medicine as Dampness.

Too much dampness can cause this excessive moisture to dampen the activity of the brain’s neurons, leading to impaired function and symptoms including brain fatigue, brain fog, poor memory, dizziness, and balance disorders — which is why sustained high levels of cortisol coursing through the bloodstream can lead to the suppression of brain function.

When the body has too much moisture, it may inherently try to dry up this dampness by generating heat. Heat is an inflammatory event and when Dampness and Heat combine a congealing effect occurs and this can lead to the development of an advanced pathological condition called Phlegm.

The Brain is a Curious Organ

Lack of clarity in the mind is often due to excessive accumulation of dampness.

Lack of clarity in the mind is often due to excessive accumulation of dampness.

According to Chinese Medicine, the Brain, Marrow, Blood Vessels, Bone, Spine and the Uterus/Genitalia comprise the six Curious Organs. In Chinese terminology, “curious” denotes the idea of “extraordinary” as these organ systems relate to the evolution of your body, mind and spirit.

All of the Curious Organs contain hollow spaces and it’s within these spaces that too much moisture can accumulate leading to excessive dampness and eventually the creation of phlegm which can become dense like a tumor.

Managing Dampness is thus fundamental to maintaining the health of your Curious Organs.

In the brain, the creation of Phlegm relates to tumors and more commonly plaque buildup in the brain. These plaques, called amyloid plaques, form between brain nerve cells and cause neuronal death. Phlegm-based amyloid plaques are the basis of more severe brain pathology such as dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. 

Often described as Type 3 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s in particular has a high correlation with elevated blood sugar and therefore the accumulation of excess Dampness in the body.

Dampness Can Be a Response To Internal Heat (Inflammation)

As heat is generated within the body, the system becomes more and more inflamed. In response, the body may begin to retain more moisture (dampness) to suppress the heat, causing excess Heat and excess Dampness occurring simultaneously.

Excessive internal heat is an inflammatory condition relating to a very acidic internal environment which sugar and processed foods will exacerbate.

A diet that’s overly acidic with refined, processed foods and too high in protein, coffee, tea or alcohol will generate excessive internal heat. 

So if you have a lot of heat, it may be appropriate to have a more vegetarian diet for a period of time to reduce this heat.

Heat can also be generated from sustained periods of stress such as long-term emotional and mental anguish and strain. Combined with a high-stress lifestyle with a diet high in protein, sugar, coffee, alcohol, and processed foods creates a recipe for excessive systemic inflammation. 

Just as in nature, heat rises, so excessive inflammation in the body will rise up and cause a brain that’s “on fire,” which can be the root of brain degeneration.

Keep in mind that excessive internal Heat can also be rooted in Dryness within the body, and in this case increasing your diet in healthy fats especially Omega 3 fatty acids will help dampen an inflamed brain and nourish back your brain’s neurons. In cases of Dryness, which Chinese Medicine calls a Deficiency of Yin Fluids, then the tongue body will tend to be small and abnormally red without much of a coating at all.

Fish and Krill Oil are high in two key Omega 3 oils called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which are very nourishing for optimal brain function. If you don’t have a shellfish allergy, Krill oil has been found to have a stronger anti-inflammatory effect if there is a lot of internal heat.

In cases where there’s excess Dampness, however, the tongue body will be swollen and usually with a scalloped edge due to the pressure against the teeth and the tongue coating will be excessively coated with a thick, pasty coat. In these cases, it may be best to avoid taking too much oil in general until this gets cleared up.

Other causes of a Damp fungal terrain in the body is due to the excessive use of medications such as antibiotics, steroids and birth control pills or a diet high in greasy, fried food and nuts. In addition, the regular consumption of cheese, yoghurt and other dairy foods such as milk are often included in the diet of patients with excessive Dampness and a fungal body terrain.

4 Steps to Support Your Brain Health

Here are a 4 key steps to support your daily well-being and the health of your brain, adrenal glands and Kidneys.

  • Step 1: Get more rest and sleep. Taking time to rest is the primary way to regenerate your Kidney Qi and restore the health of your adrenal glands, which, when hyper-activate, can contribute to the decline in brain function and brain degeneration.

    Relaxation is the first stage of meditation, and simply taking a little time to meditate goes a long way to help calm an adrenal system in overdrive.  If you find that you’re too tired to meditate, it’s best to simply take a short nap to rest more deeply. 

    Wintertime is the season that corresponds to the Kidneys. Shorter days and longer nights make it a more conducive time for rest to help recuperate this valuable organ system and prepare for the active season of Spring that follows.

    So more rest and deep sleep are the best ways to tone down your hyped-up adrenal glands that can be creating a whole host of metabolic conditions that lead to the decline in brain function and brain degeneration.

  • Step 2: Regulate your blood sugar. Reducing your blood sugar if it tends to be elevated is critical to reduce the damp, fungal terrain in the body that literally dampens your brain function and energy levels too.

    Sustained elevated levels of blood sugar down-regulate the insulin receptors found on all of your cells inhibiting them from absorbing sugar efficiently to create energy. This can lead to fatigue and low energy. The signaling of sugar deprivation by your cells triggers further cortisol release, creating a vicious cycle that can lead to a lowered immunity due to increased cortisol levels also down-regulating your immune system.

  • Step 3: Reduce inflammation if you tend to be overheated. Generally maintaining an alkaline diet rich in vegetables and low in sugar and processed foods will quickly help you reduce internal heat. In addition, healthy fats, especially Omega 3 oils that support brain health can also help cool your body’s inflammation.

    Other categories of food that can wind up an inflammatory response are nuts, dairy and eggs as they stimulate the body’s Wei Qi and are very warming foods to stimulate heat in the body. The popular daily ritual of drinking celery juice these days is very useful to reduce heat and clear inflammation, however, if your body tends to have internal cold, too much celery juice can weaken your Qi and be counter productive to your health especially in the cold winter months when you need to keep your Yang Qi warm and vital.

    If you feel the need for celery juice, try adding an ounce or so of ginger juice to your morning concoction to reduce the excessively cold property of celery juice and protect your Spleen Qi and digestive power.

    Clinical Tip: If your stool is too soft, then you know your Spleen Qi is weak and digestive power needs to be warmed up rather than cooled down.

  • Step 4: Practice Yoga and Qi Gong. Chinese Medicine has established a sophisticated system to strengthen your Kidney system and improve brain function through the use of Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Nutrition, and Qi Gong.

    Qi Gong and Yoga are very closely related practices as these Eastern forms of exercise focus on slow movements coordinated with deep breathing, allowing the Kidneys to become recharged with vital Qi energy. Furthermore, deepening your ability to twist and release tension in your shoulders and hips frees the Gallbladder meridian system, which supports the detoxification of all your Curious Organs.

You can practice Triple Energizer Qi Gong at our Dharma Studio with Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. in Santa Clara, California. Click here to see his schedule of classes.

Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. is the Founder and Co-Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine & Japanese Meridian Therapy, a rare non-insertion form of Acupuncture. Salvador is also the co-host of The Natural Healing Podcast with his wife and partner, Dr. Setareh Moafi.

Finding Courage: Kidneys & the Water Element

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D, L.Ac. & Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. 

Life is formed and develops in the water that holds the Essence of the body, called Jing. The Kidneys comprise the organ system that stores this Essence and are the primary organs that provide the Yang metabolic energy which drives the entire function of the body.

Kidney Essence is therefore the foundation for all Yin and Yang energies of the body and thus preserving Kidney function is fundamental for health on every level. 

The Water element stores and represents Essence, and it is through connecting with your Kidney energy that you connect with the deepest aspects of yourself, especially memories and emotions that have been buried within your subconscious.

As the primary energy of your entire being, Kidney energy relates to your fundamental drive to live and the willpower to fulfill your goals and dreams. 

On an intellectual level, the Water element deals with philosophy, spirituality, and the great, essential questions of life. The related emotion is what you feel in the presence of the divine, or simply while reveling in the marvels of life. In other words, Water relates to a sense of awe.

In Chinese Medicine, the Water element brings us through time. It houses the prenatal Qi that’s derived from our ancestors, which can be understood as our inheritance or genetic makeup. In this way, your DNA is the fundamental physical aspect of your Essence. 

The Water Type Personality

From a psychological perspective, a Water personality is a deep thinker, a seeker of sense rather than sensations; someone who strives for enlightenment or the presence of the divine. These people are often misinterpreted as being aloof but they are enormously loyal and can help untangle the most complicated situations. Unlike their opposite element, Fire, which is fully in the moment, Water types are mostly concerned with and have great perspective on the past and future.

The Water type personality is the prototypical hermit as Water types enjoy spending time alone in contemplation. As such, Water type personalities can also be considered “the philosopher.”

The Water type person does not like to conform to social norms.  In general, the Water type likes to be alone to contemplate, collect and simply do his or her own thing his or her own way without interference from the world.  

If you’re naturally more Water and it can be easier for you to slow down and relax. Too much Water can however cause you to feel stuck in the confines of your mind and therefore need some Fire energy to motivate you.

Classical Chinese Medicine teaches that the root of most disease is emotionally or spiritually based. Therefore, to change a disease condition, a person needs to change on a deep emotional and spiritual level.

For an ill person who is a highly introverted Water type, the provocation for change needs to be induced through social interaction. For healing to take place on a deep level, it’s crucial to move the energy of that person out of the reclusive mode and into a space involving more interaction. This of course can be very difficult for an introverted person and take him out of his comfort zone, but this is the type of interaction necessary to stimulate changes for true healing to take place. 

Since Earth energy involves community and social relationships, this energy can help balance excessive Water energy, which may cause one to become overly reclusive or self-absorbed

Doing social work or having an enthusiastic partner or friends can keep the Water type active and prevent being disengaged from society.

Active, invigorating exercise is also important to move the Water personality who can be very content sitting and lounging all day in front of a television or computer. 

Supporting Your Water Energy

Whereas a person with excessive Water needs to be socialized, if you lack Water energy and tend to be more extroverted and social, you' need to strengthen your Water by spending more time in contemplation through practices such as meditation, both of which can be provocative and challenging. Qi Gong and Tai Chi are other practices that support Water energy by helping draw your focus and energy inward to strengthen your Kidney Qi as well as calm and ground your restless mind. 

A major aspect to supporting a healthy Kidney system requires giving attention to the adrenal glands located above the kidneys. Through proper nutrition, rest and exercise we can manage the impact of stress which deplete the function of these essential glands.

Especially during the Winter months when there is less light, it’s best to slow down and go to bed as early as possible, sleeping in as much as you possibly can and reducing the amount of stimulation in your life overall to restore your adrenal function.

This includes avoiding or reducing caffeinated beverages, reducing time in front of the TV, computer or playing video games, overexercising, over-working and engaging in too much sexual activity.

It’s also critical to reduce exposure to unhealthy or stressful relationships as much as possible to maintain calmness in mind and emotions in supporting adrenal recovery.


Small changes to cultivate your Water energy will allow your body to draw energy back into your Kidneys. This will strengthen your willpower throughout the Winter so a newfound courage can sprout forth in the coming Spring season, the season of Wood, which represents growth and new beginnings. 

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California. Setareh offers clinical services and transformational workshops that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. Learn more at

Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. is the Founder and Co-Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine & Japanese Meridian Therapy, a rare non-insertion form of Acupuncture. Salvador also teaches Qi Gong at the Dharma Studio within A Center for Natural Healing.